Haji Ali Dargah - Tomb of Pir Haji Ali Shah Bukhari (R.A.)


Official Website of HAJI ALI DARGAH TRUST (Reg. - PTR No. 251 (BOM))

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Dargah Complex


Main Gate

Dargah Sharief

The Tomb

Qawwal Khana




Online Donation:

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For any donations or offerings in kind, you may also contact the Trust.

Tel:+91-22-2352 9082

Fax:+91-22-2352 4221


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About Us

Haji Ali Dargah Trust is a public trust registered under the provisions of the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 bearing registration number PTR No. B-251 (BOM). Haji Ali Dargah is the Tomb of Pir Haji Ali Shah Bukhari (R.A.), the patron Saint of Mumbai is administered and managed by the Haji Ali Dargah Trust.


The Haji Ali Dargah Trust was founded by Abdul Karim Haji Essa Haji Fazla, Haji Jan Mohamed Haji Mohamed & other Cutchi Memons by instituting suit no 1337 of 1916 in the High Court of Judicature at Bombay, Ordinary Original Civil Jurisdiction. A scheme was formed under the Commissioner of Hon’ble High Court for the management and administration of the Dargah & the properties appertaining to it.


The charitable trust was designated as Haji Ali Dargah Trust. With India obtaining independence and sovereignty, the Haji Ali Dargah Trust was subsequently registered with the Charity Commissioner of Maharashtra, under the provisions of the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950.


The Name of Haji Ali Dargah Trust is published in the Gazette of Government of India.


Objects of Haji Ali Dargah Trust


The objects of Haji Ali Dargah Trust are:


i) To apply the income of the Trust in or towards the payment and discharge of all rates, taxes and assessments and all the expenses of keeping the immoveable and moveable properties in good and substantial repair order and condition.

ii) To spend for all other necessary or usual outgoings and expenses in respect of the management of the Dargah and of the Masjid and other properties pertaining thereto.

iii) To apply the net balance of income in or towards the upkeep and repairs of the Dargah and Road or passage leading to thereto from Bhulabhai Desai Road and in defraying the expenses of annual feast to be given and the fair (URS) to be held on the occasion of the anniversary of death of Pir Haji Ali Shah Bukhari (R.A.) and to perform all customary rites.


The objects have been expanded in 1989 through an appeal before the Charity Commissioner, State of Maharashtra and the Bombay High Court. After fulfilling the above objects the Trustees shall be at liberty to spend / utilize balance or surplus funds towards any or all of the following:


i) To conduct and maintain Madrassas.

ii) To give scholarships and other help to the poor, needy and deserving students irrespective of caste, creed, religion or community.

iii) To establish, run and/or help Schools, Colleges, and other technical, industrial and scientific institutions of purely secular nature.

iv) To render medical help or relief to the poor, needy and deserving persons irrespective of caste, creed, religion, community or nationality.

v) To establish, maintain, develop and/or help dispensaries, hospitals, convalescent homes for persons irrespective of caste, creed, religion, or nationality.

vi) To render monetary help to other Public Trusts having similar objects in the absolute discretion of the Trustees.

vii) To collect donations and/or spend for relief of distress ceased by security, drought, flood, fire or other natural calamity.

viii) To render financial assistance in the absolute discretion of the trustees to Remand Homes, Rescue Homes and Orphanages and to poor widows and destitute.

ix) Trustees in their absolute discretion may render financial assistance by way of loans on reasonable rates of interest and with the security for the purpose of housing poor and middle class persons subject to the sanction of the Charity Commissioner, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.


  • Mr Abdul Sattar Merchant, Chairman & Managing Trustee

  • Mr. Rafique A. Latif Dada, Trustee

  • Mr. Moinuddin T. Sony, Trustee (Businessman)

  • Mr. Usman Shakoor Vanjara, Trustee (Advocate Bombay High Court)

  • Mr. Masood Hasham Dada, Trustee (Businessman)

  • Mr. Suhail Yacoob Khandwani, Trustee (Businessman)

  • Mr. Rizwan Merchant, Trustee (Advocate Bombay High Court)


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